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How to Lighten Your Hair Without Bleach?

How to Lighten Your Hair Without Bleach?

Last updated on September 13th, 2021 at 01:32 pm

It’s a fun way to lighten dyed hair without bleach. There are many markets designed products that contain harmful chemicals that could potentially damage your hair. Instead, try to lighten dark hair at home with products that are easy to find like honey. But bear in mind that bleach-free options will not give you a dramatic lightening effect.

Lightening Your Hair: What to Use

The results of lightening your hair depend on its lightness. If your hair is dark, you won’t get a golden blonde. Therefore, you should be open-minded about the results and methods you choose to lighten hair without damage.

Use Lemon Juice

What You Need

The method works for hair that has not been color-treated. It’s the primary method of lightening hair without bleach. It produces a subtle all-over effect if you apply it evenly on the hair. You can use the bottle kind or fresh-squeezed lemon, which is more potent.

Chamomile Tea

What You Need

The method works if your hair is already light, but may not affect darker hair and not advisable to use on dyed hair. The results are golden tint and brightening effect on blonde hair.

Use Honey and Vinegar

What You Need

Honey contains little amount of hydrogen peroxide, which helps lighten the hair. Mixing honey with vinegar adds some acidity and works as a natural bleaching agent. Consider adding some olive oil or coconut to prevent damage to your hair.


What You Need


Using Vitamin C

What You Need

Vitamin c brightens your hair and removes minerals build-up. You can either use vitamin c powder or crush the tablets.

Administer Cinnamon

What You Need

Cinnamon protects your hair from the sun and contains antioxidants, which prevents hair damage.

Use Baking Soda

What You Need

Sodium bicarbonate is an alkaline substance that removes chemical build-up and lightens your hair.

What Can I Use Instead of Bleach to Lighten My Hair?

You can make your hair lighter using available products from your local grocery with unharmful substances. The products include lemon, honey, cinnamon, chamomile, vinegar, and baking soda.

Does Toothpaste Lighten Hair?

Toothpaste can lighten hair if left to settle for some time on it. But using it on your hair isn’t wise as it’s an unproven method and because toothpaste is not a hair formulation. The toothpaste results, too, are unpredictable.

Does Lemon Lighten Hair?

Lemon can lighten hair as it contains citric acid, which is a natural bleaching agent. Citric whitens the fabric, and that why it makes the hair lighter.

Will Vinegar Lighten Hair?

Vinegar makes an excellent hair rinse that brings out the natural shine. It doesn’t strip permanent hair coloring but changes its shade. Therefore, you shouldn’t use it on hair that has dye.

Check this too: How to Get Rid of Dandruff


Lighten 4c hair without bleach using vinegar, lemon, chamomile tea, and other methods explained above. Follow all the instructions keenly to ensure your hair safety and achieve desired results. But to fully lighten your hair, you need to consult a professional.

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