Which Henna is Best for Hair?

Which Henna is Best for Hair?

For years’ henna has been used as a beauty-enhancing ingredient for hair and skin in many communities. Coupled with its numerous benefits, it is never a bad idea to use henna on your hair. Henna is a permanent hair color solution that stains each strand of hair in vibrant color. Henna cannot penetrate your hair…

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair Scars

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair Scars

You may get ingrown hair whenever you do any hair grooming exercise, such as shaving or waxing. It occurs in different parts of the body especially places commonly covered by clothing, for example, the pubic area. The ingrown hair often leads to scarring, which leaves you with ugly-looking spots all over the area. Getting rid…

How Do You Hide Back Fat in Tight Clothes?

How Do You Hide Back Fat in Tight Clothes?

Dressing fitting clothes should be the key to show off your curves and not your trouble spots. Wearing clothes that aren’t your size causes an unflattering bulge in different areas, with no exception to your back. Love handles occurs when the additional fat around your stomach protrudes at the sides. You can hide the love…

How to Get Rid of a Hickey

How to Get Rid of a Hickey

A hickey, also known as a love bite, is a small reddish mark on your skin that occurs when your partner sucks or bites your skin during an intimate moment. The mark appears because of bleeding under your skin as a result of injury to the blood capillaries. A hickey has no serious side effects…

How to Wear a Backless Dress With Back Fat

How to Wear a Backless Dress With Back Fat

You want to rock that pretty backless dress. You cannot help, but dream of letting the supermodel in you awaken. Then you remember the back fat, and your dreams are crushed just like that. Back fat plagues even the best of us. Those who shine in those backless dresses, those you secretly envy, they too…

How to Shrink a Swimsuit

How to Shrink a Swimsuit

If you have ever worn a sagging swimsuit, then you know how a little extra room can make you look like you have a wet diaper. And as unflattering as this look is, it is nowhere as scary as the thought of your saggy swimsuit slipping and exposing your necessities to the entire world. And…